
PODCAST: 5 Rules for Getting Fit for the Rest of Your Life
When it comes to getting in shape, it can often feel like there are an infinite number of paths to take. There are so many different ways to lean out and slim down that it can often feel overwhelming. Most of us have been on some form of yo-yo diet and can recall vividly the cravings, the sacrifices, and the disappointment when the weight either didn’t fall off, or came right back a couple of months later. Today, we’re talking about the 5 rules for

Master Your Email Etiquette with These 7 Easy Steps
Gentlemen, we are all highly trained at using our phones, tablets, computers, and every other communication tool on earth. Where we lack skill is in the etiquette column. Think of it like proper utensil etiquette when eating (don’t worry, there’s another post coming for that topic). We all know how to use a knife and fork to get food cut and put into our mouths. The number of humans that know how to properly do it with the correct etiquette is diminishing pretty rapidly however.

Podcast: Why Haters Are Important for Your Success
Entrepreneurs know the impact haters can have on their success, and more importantly, look for them as an indicator that they’re on the right track. As an owner of several ventures, I’m always on the lookout for detractors and naysayers because they provide me with motivation that I can’t get from my best cheerleaders. Strange as it may sound, someone looking at your ideas and telling you they’re not possible or impractical or stupid or ridiculous or (fill in the blank) will often light a

Podcast: How to Handle Risk Like a Boss
This is near and dear to me because I know how to handle risk – risk is my copilot. I venture into what-ifs like they’re going out of style. I wasn’t always that way, and occasionally I’m not as bold or brazen as my brochure would have you believe. Most days I’m ready to take on the world and all its wonder, but because I’m still human, I will have “holy crap, what am I doing” days too. There’s no quick fix for all types

Podcast: The Best New Years Resolution Ever
It’s such a cliche to talk about the Best New Years Resolutions, isn’t it? We all know they’re not going stick – well, at least not for the vast majority of us. We’re the same weight and fitness level we were last December, we haven’t made a significantly higher income, that old car is still in the driveway, and we still haven’t manned-up and booked that crazy vacation we know we deserve. So let’s change the game and resolve to do something that’s not only possible,

Podcast: 10 Killer Ways to Boost Your Confidence
Episode 2: 10 Killer Ways to Boost Your Confidence Every man, whether he’s super successful or the fry cook at the local fast food joint, wants to have more confidence. Often, they’re looking for some way to get an edge and stand out in a crowd… for all the right reasons. In this show, I’m going introduce you to my 10 killer ways to boost your confidence without spinning your wheels. No gimmicks, no products to buy, no audio programs to download and listen to

Manscaping Tips 101 – A Personal Grooming Guide
More often than not, the very word manscaping evokes images of men with such perfectly groomed hair on their heads, and absolutely no body hair anywhere else. Other instances paint the picture of a guy trying to shave his twig and berries in the shower with a Lady Bic. Ultimately, the word gets a bad wrap, and I’m here to give you a heaping scoop of man-truth about manscaping and why you should be doing it. What is Manscaping? By definition, manscaping is personal grooming to the effect of

The Truth About What Makes a Winning Personal Brand
Today’s post actually comes from Primer Magazine’s site. It speaks so clearly about the power of a personal brand, that I just had to put it here. Jeannette Paladino, Writer-in-Chief of Write Speak Sell offers up some pretty potent insight into what makes your personal brand work for you. In today’s new economy, people are forced to hone their skills and talents to be of greater value – at the very least, perceived value. This essentially makes everyone a salesperson. Whether you like it or

10 Hard Truths in Life You Need to Hear
The world is an interesting place – one full of opportunities and adventures, yet also riddled with terrible decisions, fear, doubt, and distractions that keep us from becoming the best men we can be. Sometimes it takes a hard truth to snap us out of our funk and get us back on track. These hard truths can be difficult to digest, but necessary to keep you from wearing those jeans you cut into shorts. Seriously, throw those things away. The impetus for a hard truth

[Video] Creating Startup Success & Chasing Greatness
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Jason Croft of StartUpDallas and the amazing team at Magic Production Group to talk about what makes a gentleman different, and the beautiful fact that gentlemen are on the way back into style. Jason, and StartUpDallas, is working to help spread information and insight about attitude and initiative for success in the StartUp community. The message is for startups and individuals looking to get their confidence and clarity boosted so they can keep pursuing their big