Good vs. Bad

Decoding the Menswear Dress Code: What to Wear
My friends over at The Black Tux have a simple way to help make sense of the dress code for all your upcoming occasions. Whether it’s an upscale casual affair or a white tie event (a dress-code seldom used these days), this infographic helps in decoding the menswear dress code. It will help answer questions like: What is cocktail attire? What does black tie optional mean? Does casual mean jeans? The Black Tux is a company dedicated to Black Tie Done Right. They offer better-fitting

How to Give a Toast Like a Gentleman
In a world full of phobias, public speaking is up there at the top – right next to that spider at the end of Arachnophobia. And yet, men and women both dream about absolutely dominating the room as you give the perfect toast. Many secretly dream of raising a glass and speaking off-the-cuff with such prose that the ladies swoon and someone starts a slow-clap. It may not go quite as dramatically, but there’s actually a good formula for making sure your toast is remembered

How to Fight with Your Spouse Without Ending Your Marriage
Why would you want to know how to fight with your spouse? Because it’s a natural part of building a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Marriage in America has become something of a joke. Well, not really a joke – more of a statistical mess. Approximately half of all marriages in the US end in divorce. Clearly, we take commitment very seriously. There are many reasons marriages end, including: adultery (I wanted my cake…and some other cakes too) finances (I wanted more cake, but we always fought over our

7 Lessons You Need to Unlearn Right Now
Some lessons just need to be forgotten… It never ceases to amaze me how brilliant people can opt not to pursue their big ideas because old lessons they’ve learned are so deeply ingrained. What a tragedy it is to watch someone give up before he or she even begins. Some poor lessons we learned as early as childhood can still haunt us today. Even in my own business and personal life, I wrestle against lessons I have gleaned from past experience, my parents, friends, teachers,

Why You Need to Stop Being in Charge of Everything
Control can kill. Gentlemen, this may sound counter-intuitive, but you need to stop being charge of everything in your life – If for no other reason than it’s killing you. If it doesn’t end up physically killing you, it will at the very least kill a metric ton of pleasure, enjoyment, and realized success. Sure, you may reach that goal you’re shooting for, and do it your way, but you’ll be too exhausted to recognize and appreciate the fruits of your labor. Control can kill.

A Gentleman’s Guide to The Four Agreements
Guide to The Four Agreements and More… Don Miguel Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements, and I’m sure you’ve no doubt read quotes from it and learned of these agreements from one source or another. Whether you read the book or not, I want to address each agreement from the gentleman’s perspective, and a few extra pieces that can help really bring it home in a big way. The basic four agreements are: Be impeccable with your word Don’t take anything personally Don’t make assumptions Always

PODCAST: How to Be a Better Listener
One of the most misused superpowers a man can have is the power to listen deeply. Millions of self-proclaimed “good listeners” are actually just listening well enough to keep a conversation going in his or her direction. Genuine listeners hear what isn’t being said, connect more deeply with their partner, and create a pathway for creative collaboration and power. This is incredibly important for any man trying to better himself and the world around him. Gentlemen, this is you (at least it should be). When

Master Your Email Etiquette with These 7 Easy Steps
Gentlemen, we are all highly trained at using our phones, tablets, computers, and every other communication tool on earth. Where we lack skill is in the etiquette column. Think of it like proper utensil etiquette when eating (don’t worry, there’s another post coming for that topic). We all know how to use a knife and fork to get food cut and put into our mouths. The number of humans that know how to properly do it with the correct etiquette is diminishing pretty rapidly however.

PODCAST: Guide to Tipping Etiquette
Today’s podcast is about something you’re all familiar with, but may not know exactly what the rules are in it: tipping etiquette. Gratuity – when should you, how much should you, what makes a good tip, why should you, etc. These questions roll around the heads of many men every day, and we’re here to talk about what the rules are, and what to be aware of in the tipping world. This is also a special show because I’m introducing my friend, and potential future

The Best Belt You’ll Ever Own
As an exercise in transparency, this is a completely biased review. I’m in love with these belts. I’ll explain why I am, and how you’ll be madly in love with them too, but first we need to answer a few questions up front: 1 – Did I receive (complimentary) the belt(s) for the review? No. I purchased four the day I was introduced to them. 2 – Am I an affiliate who will be compensated if you order one through me? No. They’re just awesome