How you show up in the world makes all the difference in it. Build better relationships and the world will reward you greatly.

5 Secrets to Restoring Your Momentum When You’re Stuck
A.K.A. – What to do when you feel stuck. With New Year’s Resolutions in full swing, I know a lot of us, myself included, can often feel like we’re not going to make it happen. We’re simply not strong enough to keep up with the willpower necessary to make that big change. We feel stuck… even nine days into the new year. Sometimes it just takes a few quick things to turn it around for me – the same can be true for you. More

How to Fight with Your Spouse Without Ending Your Marriage
Why would you want to know how to fight with your spouse? Because it’s a natural part of building a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Marriage in America has become something of a joke. Well, not really a joke – more of a statistical mess. Approximately half of all marriages in the US end in divorce. Clearly, we take commitment very seriously. There are many reasons marriages end, including: adultery (I wanted my cake…and some other cakes too) finances (I wanted more cake, but we always fought over our

Why You Need to Stop Being in Charge of Everything
Control can kill. Gentlemen, this may sound counter-intuitive, but you need to stop being charge of everything in your life – If for no other reason than it’s killing you. If it doesn’t end up physically killing you, it will at the very least kill a metric ton of pleasure, enjoyment, and realized success. Sure, you may reach that goal you’re shooting for, and do it your way, but you’ll be too exhausted to recognize and appreciate the fruits of your labor. Control can kill.

A Gentleman’s Guide to The Four Agreements
Guide to The Four Agreements and More… Don Miguel Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements, and I’m sure you’ve no doubt read quotes from it and learned of these agreements from one source or another. Whether you read the book or not, I want to address each agreement from the gentleman’s perspective, and a few extra pieces that can help really bring it home in a big way. The basic four agreements are: Be impeccable with your word Don’t take anything personally Don’t make assumptions Always

A Gentleman’s Guide to Planning a Fairytale Wedding
Don’t worry, pictures and video are below… This post may be a little different than the usual educational style you’re used to. This post is simply me sharing more of my personal adventures with you. I’ve already shared my wedding proposal with you in a previous post, and this is the follow up. While it’s personal, please consider this a Gentleman’s guide to planning a fairytale wedding in Italy. Back in May of this year (2016), Jami and I headed off to Italy to tie

You vs. You: The Secret to Better Performance in Everything
In the game of life, we are all seeking better performance. Whether that means better performance at our jobs, our relationships, our athletics, or in the bedroom, we want to be better – we need to be better. When it comes to actually achieving that better-ness, we often seek answers and solutions in the wrong direction. In our quest for better performance, we often discount ourselves for validation from someone else. This is no good. The secret to better performance in everything is actually pretty simple:

5 Ways to Make Your Marriage Better Than Ever
There comes a time in every man’s education when he reaches the conclusion that the happiness of those he loves is paramount to his own. It is at this moment that the realness of that man begins to blossom. He becomes more than he’s ever been. He becomes a better listener, a better provider (for himself and others), and a driving force for greater, less trivial things. This is what love does. Every single time. Unfortunately, men often commit when they’re in-love with lust, and in-lust

Podcast: The Best New Years Resolution Ever
It’s such a cliche to talk about the Best New Years Resolutions, isn’t it? We all know they’re not going stick – well, at least not for the vast majority of us. We’re the same weight and fitness level we were last December, we haven’t made a significantly higher income, that old car is still in the driveway, and we still haven’t manned-up and booked that crazy vacation we know we deserve. So let’s change the game and resolve to do something that’s not only possible,

Podcast: 8 Easy Things You Can Do to be More Attractive
In the grand scheme of things, a few imperfections don’t make a lick of difference. By the same token, being attractive to whomever you’re trying to influence, makes all the difference in the world. Whether it’s a prospective employer, that woman at the office you can’t stop thinking about, or most importantly, your own self-confidence, you want to be attractive. Today’s podcast is sponsored by Every Man Jack, and is all about making small changes to step up your game and be seen – be

What Happened When I Lost My Dad
This is a written stream of consciousness as a processing and coping exercise. I may change verb tenses, include details that aren’t needed, or make very little sense along the way. I just lost my dad, and writing is my greatest mechanism for dealing with it. If you can handle the first-person, present-tense narrative, please read on. Update 10/22/2017: I went to an event yesterday and heard Tony Robbins speak. One of the exercises he had us do was to meditate on a moment we