Podcast: 8 Easy Things You Can Do to be More Attractive

In the grand scheme of things, a few imperfections don’t make a lick of difference. By the same token, being attractive to whomever you’re trying to influence, makes all the difference in the world. Whether it’s a prospective employer, that woman at the office you can’t stop thinking about, or most importantly, your own self-confidence, you want to be attractive.
Today’s podcast is sponsored by Every Man Jack, and is all about making small changes to step up your game and be seen – be noticed by those you desire. It may seem trivial, but there are some pretty simple things that can change your game forever. Here are eight easy ways to be more attractive:
Show Notes
Grooming Regularly
Grooming can be taken many different ways. Regardless of which avenue you choose, the answer is still yes. Getting your hair cut or styled, trimming the beard or shaving, making sure there aren’t any nose hairs poking your food before it reaches your lips – these are all good things to do. When it comes to hair on your back, the general consensus is to have it removed (pick your method) if you look like a bear, or it’s long enough for her to grab onto. When it comes to man-scaping, you don’t ever want to shave bald, but a decent trim is never a poor choice. Keep things neat and clean, and you’re good to go.
Cologne Etiquette
Gents, here’s where subtlety is your very best friend. A few splashes of your favorite scent on your chest is really all you need. The chest is better than the wrists because it will stay protected and still waft up out of your shirt when you move. Or, if you’re a fan of the spray, ONE or two sprays in the air about chest height will do the trick. Spray, walk into it, put it back on the shelf. We’ve all smelled that guy who has six pumps of Acqua di Gio after he doused himself in Axe deodorant. Don’t be that guy. If you’re clean, all you need is a little bit anyway. There are some great scents out there! My personal favorite right now is John Varvatos Vintage.
Dressing like a boss
Whether you want to admit it or not, clothes do make the man. Dressing like you’re in charge (of your own life at the very least), makes you appear more attractive. When you look like you value your appearance, and enjoy things that fit well and make you feel great, you project those values into the world. The world responds in kind. Why do you dress better when going in for an interview? Right, because image is everything. When you dress like a boss, you’ll be treated like one.
Reading more than sports
In college, my roommate was a sports fan. Nice guy, but he didn’t ever turn the TV off, which meant I was cursed with the ESPN loop. Every few hours, ESPN starts over. By the end of the night, I could recite both sides of Pardon The Interruption. There are a lot of people that like sports, but to be more attractive, read more than just the sports column. Reading in general boosts your appeal, so get to it. Here’s an entire LifeHack article on why women want a man that reads. Consider it market research.
Being a damn Gentleman
Chivalry is most certainly not dead. In fact, some say it’s making a comeback. More importantly, the gentlemen of the world are starting to make their presence known, and manners a requirement. Having good manners, being polite, and taking the proper actions to show the world you’re a good man that understands the reciprocity of respect will make a significant difference. When you respect the environment and people in it, respect shall be yours in return. Simply saying please and thank you goes a long way too.
Showering on the regular
This should not be news. In fact, this shouldn’t even be a point to be made in an article like this. But alas, it must be said. We live in a civilized, developed country, and have access to showers and grooming facilities in every corner of our world. Simply making sure you’re clean can turn the tides in your favor. Astonishing, right? Some people don’t like to shower daily – no big deal. Once a week, however, and your appeal might be all but lost.
Listening intently
This is one of my personal favorites. When I was in school, I had the most amazing communications course on listening and hearing. We spent an entire two weeks telling stories and asking questions without instruction, and it turns out we heard everything, but didn’t listen to any of it. For example, when I was listening to my partner tell a story, I was less concerned about the story than I was about my own thoughts about the story. I was thinking of what to say next and listening to those thoughts, while my ears heard the sound of him speaking, but didn’t care about it.
If you really want to “be a great listener” to those around you, listen to every word that comes out without thinking about anything else. You’ll start connecting with the person speaking, and they’ll notice. They’ll feel more comfortable, and you’ll be relaxed and engaged. Simply being present and focusing on the person and the conversation will impact your life in more ways than just being seen as more attractive. I promise you that.
Do something for a reason bigger than yourself
In a world that feels hell bent on individuality and personal achievement (in a bad way – think, reality TV), men that act in service for something bigger are more attractive. This could involve volunteering with your church, a soup kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, helping a friend or family that needs it, or a myriad of other opportunities. Any time you put the needs of others above your own, you shine a little light on why you’re a great man, and one that suddenly looks more attractive.
SPONSORED by Every Man Jack
Every Man Jack knows how to take grooming to the next level with amazing (and natural) skin, hair, and shave care products that are second to none. As a reward for getting to the end of this article, I have a discount code for you to use at checkout: 1SHARPGENT – that will get you 25% OFF your order! Enjoy!
There are a ton of ways to make yourself more attractive to others, but these 8 are simple and effective to get you started. If there’s something you think I missed, please share it in the comments below.