How you show up in the world makes all the difference in it. Build better relationships and the world will reward you greatly.

How to Propose like a Gentleman
How to Propose Like a Gent. There comes a moment in most relationships where you feel this overwhelming rush of “knowing” course through you. You look at her one day and think, “I’m going to make you my wife.” This thought often comes as a surprise, but is immediately followed by a thought similar to “and it’s gonna be awesome.” If you’re having the, “we’ve been together for so long, I guess I should marry her” thought, I have some tough news. You should do the

The Honest Truth About What You Drive
Before we go any further, this is not an article about one car brand being better than another. It’s also not a grudge match between new and old. It’s far less trivial, less ego-driven, and deeper. Regardless of what you currently drive, there’s one truth that speaks volumes about you, regarding that car, that you need to know. It’s what you car says about you… Yesterday, I decided that it was a good day to clean my car. I keep mine relatively clean all the