
A Gentleman’s Guide to First Impressions
With the holidays right around the corner, it’s more important than ever to focus on making a good first impression on others. First impressions can have a lasting impact on those around you, which is why it’s essential to always act and dress your best. A gentleman should always feel confident, comfortable, and ready for any situation. Whether you’re going to visit your partner’s family for the first time or have plans to attend the office holiday party, there are many different ways you can

Tips for Buying Top Quality Cigars on a Budget
Much to my surprise, I grew up to become a man that likes a cigar or two on a fairly regular basis. I don’t know whether it’s the celebratory attachment I have with them (new marriage, new baby, new adventure, job well done, etc.), or the camaraderie I get when I relax with my friends and enjoy a few good cigars on Thursday nights. The point is, I don’t know enough about cigars to give any credible advice. But I trust the people in my

The State of Today’s Man with Rob Kandell
There are so many messages of manliness out there in the world these days, all vying for more and more of your attention, but which ones are true? Which messages are good for you, and which are good for everyone? There’s a big difference there. Some influencers will have men believe that the world is getting softer and that men need to focus more on being manly, growing beards, and getting tough. Some are focused on being the best version of yourself so you can

Win Valentine’s Day with the Powerful Gift of Presence
Gentlemen, Valentine’s Day is upon us. Interestingly, this Hallmark Holiday is quite polarizing too. People either love it or hate it. There’s very little grey area. The reasons are pretty equal on each side of the argument: My wife and I are a good example of opposites attracting. I’m a hopeless romantic and she’s much more practical. I’ll plan grand gestures of romance, cloaked in secrecy for surprise, and deliver a symphony of Kodak moments we’ll cherish forever. It’s all orchestrated for my own satisfaction.

How to Honor Your Family While Starting Your Own
One of the hardest transitions in life happens after you become an adult. It isn’t a new job or new apartment of your own. It’s bigger than that. It’s moving from being someone’s son to someone’s husband, and for many men, becoming a father. You suddenly take on a new role and leave the old, kid-version of you behind. When you grow up and venture off to carve your own path, you leave behind those that spent your entire life to that point, carving a

How to Become a Dependable Man of Your Word
One of the things that we all strive to be is dependable as men. We want to be strong providers and trusted unconditionally. We want to be honorable men, even if many of us aren’t exactly sure what that means. We like, and often romanticize the Gentleman’s Agreement. When we are told something is going to happen, we want to believe it. We like the idea that “he’s a man of his word,” and “he’s a good man, he’ll come through.” You want to be

What to do when it’s time to break up
Breaking up is hard to do. At the same time, staying in a relationship that doesn’t serve either party is also hard to do. Unfortunately, we are willing to do more of the latter that we are of the former, and that’s a disservice to ourselves and each other. Look, it sucks to break up, but it also sucks to be in an unhappy relationship. A fair amount of my clients (and emails I receive) ask what they should do to exit their unfulfilling relationships.

True Story: I Got Hit by a Bus
I was recently having a conversation with a group of friends and business connections and mentioned a little bit of my story after my accident, and was met with “what accident?” in response. It turns out, many of my connections don’t know my story. The short version is: I was in a terrible car wreck just after high school and it changed my brain. Pretty crazy, right? In this episode, I will tell the story of the day I got hit by a bus. I’ll

How You Can Make Today Legendary
You Can Make Today Legendary™ On a random day a few weeks ago, I was perusing Instagram and stumbled across a brand called Make Today Legendary. They sent me a message about their cause and what their wristband was all about. Skeptical at first, I have to admit I grilled the founder with some follow-up questions. After discovering more about him and the movement behind MTL, I invited him onto the podcast so we could introduce the mission to all of you. It’s an excellent

Elevate Your Leadership with Stoicism
As we grow into management and leadership roles, we are often taught how to lead from the wrong people. More often than not, we learn to lead by seeing the world through the lens of the leader immediately above us. This isn’t necessarily bad, but it can often have us attached to outcomes, directions, and processes that aren’t really our own. The question I invite you to chew on in that situation is this: Is it really your point of view if you were given