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The Sharp Gentleman is more about authenticity and integrity. Character is what makes a man, not just his clothing.

Best New Years Resolution

It’s such a cliche to talk about the Best New Years Resolutions, isn’t it? We all know they’re not going stick – well, at least not for the vast majority of us. We’re the same weight and fitness level we were last December, we haven’t made a significantly higher income, that old car is still in the driveway, and we still haven’t manned-up and booked that crazy vacation we know we deserve. So let’s change the game and resolve to do something that’s not only possible,

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make yourself more attractive

In the grand scheme of things, a few imperfections don’t make a lick of difference. By the same token, being attractive to whomever you’re trying to influence, makes all the difference in the world. Whether it’s a prospective employer, that woman at the office you can’t stop thinking about, or most importantly, your own self-confidence, you want to be attractive. Today’s podcast is sponsored by Every Man Jack, and is all about making small changes to step up your game and be seen – be

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Episode 3: The Dos & Don’ts of Successful Online Dating This has to be my favorite show so far. Aimee Bentson is a good friend of mine, and she’s absolutely perfect for this topic because she’s a gorgeous young single woman in Dallas, and has to put up with men and their online dating shenanigans. She’s a snarky and wildly intelligent leader in the startup community and has just launched her own clothing line at Avyn Apparel. Aimee brings to the table an absolute crap-ton

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10 ways to boost your confidence

Episode 2: 10 Killer Ways to Boost Your Confidence Every man, whether he’s super successful or the fry cook at the local fast food joint, wants to have more confidence. Often, they’re looking for some way to get an edge and stand out in a crowd… for all the right reasons. In this show, I’m going introduce you to my 10 killer ways to boost your confidence without spinning your wheels. No gimmicks, no products to buy, no audio programs to download and listen to

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I lost my dad

This is a written stream of consciousness as a processing and coping exercise. I may change verb tenses, include details that aren’t needed, or make very little sense along the way. I just lost my dad, and writing is my greatest mechanism for dealing with it. If you can handle the first-person, present-tense narrative, please read on. Update 10/22/2017: I went to an event yesterday and heard Tony Robbins speak. One of the exercises he had us do was to meditate on a moment we

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how to change a tire on a car

One of the many great things about being a man is having know-how and initiative, right? You’re damn right. As the years have passed, many men have started knowing how to do less things. The notion of being “handy” occasionally feels like it belongs on the endangered species list. Not on my watch. I have built engines, torn apart suspensions, MacGyver’d systems to fix the unfixable, and more, and I’m not about to let us all continue this mechanical decline without a fight. Many of the

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bring the right drink to the party

There is often a misconception when it comes to bringing alcohol to different social gatherings. What’s the best drink to bring to a party? Should bring anything at all? Beer or wine? Both? Food as well? It’s all a lot to keep balanced! As discussed in a previous post, you definitely want to bring a gift to the host of whatever social gathering you’re attending. This gift is most often an alcoholic item, but depending on the event, it can also extend to food dishes

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How to propose like a gentleman - best marriage proposal

How to Propose Like a Gent. There comes a moment in most relationships where you feel this overwhelming rush of “knowing” course through you. You look at her one day and think, “I’m going to make you my wife.” This thought often comes as a surprise, but is immediately followed by a thought similar to “and it’s gonna be awesome.” If you’re having the, “we’ve been together for so long, I guess I should marry her” thought, I have some tough news. You should do the

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Powerful Personal Brand

Today’s post actually comes from Primer Magazine’s site. It speaks so clearly about the power of a personal brand, that I just had to put it here.  Jeannette Paladino, Writer-in-Chief of Write Speak Sell offers up some pretty potent insight into what makes your personal brand work for you. In today’s new economy, people are forced to hone their skills and talents to be of greater value – at the very least, perceived value. This essentially makes everyone a salesperson. Whether you like it or

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Flex Watches Making Time to Fight Hunger

There are companies and organizations all over the world that have the best intentions, but lack the marketing chops to make a real dent in the earth. Then there are those with killer ideas and the right combination of creativity and fearlessness. Those select few build mountains with molehills and generate enough traction to leave us all applauding in their wake. Flex Watches is one such company. Flex gives you a trendy watch (which you’ll love) while also giving charities a chance to make a real

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