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How to Buy or Sell Your First Home
The real estate market these days seems like a combination of fire and ice. As still as that sounds, some buyers and sellers are experiencing properties and transactions that are red hot deals, while others are getting iced with poor maintenance, missed opportunities, and bad decisions. So what does one look for when buying or selling a home? More importantly, what do you look for when buying or selling your first home? It seems like such an easy thing when you see if on television, and

How to Gain Clarity & Recognize Opportunities Everywhere
In the last year, opportunity has shown up in a bunch of different spaces in my life. From relationships, friendships, travel, technology, and especially business ventures, it feels like opportunities are everywhere and I’d have to actively work to avoid them. It’s a good feeling. But it’s not like I didn’t do some adjusting to get here. This is a combination of focus and preparation. Speaking with a friend of mine, I heard the tell tale sign of someone blind to opportunities: “I wish I

5 Ways to Upgrade Your Bachelor Pad
When you’re setting yourself up for success, you’re probably aware (of have heard repeatedly) that the people you surround yourself with everyday have a direct impact on your trajectory. The right people can help you feel powerful, tackle problems with critical thinking, and help you view the world from a perspective that enables you to be and do your absolute best. What you probably didn’t think about, however, is the impact your personal physical space also has on your success trajectory. Trying to feel like