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Nobody Cares If You’re Offended – Here’s What You Need to Know
Man, that title just hits you in the face, doesn’t it? It is unapologetically raw and maybe even rude. Hell, some people might even say it’s offensive to be so crass. This is such a perfect topic to talk about – especially in today’s divisive and politically charged, social-media fueled, attention seeking society. Nobody cares if you’re offended. Let’s explore this with some context. If you’ve ever been on the internet (well, beyond this site), you may have had the unfortunate experience of wandering into

Finally, Dress Socks that Won’t Slide Down
Gentlemen, we have a problem, don’t we? We purchase socks as a necessary evil and tolerate frequent daily adjustments when those socks don’t live up to expectation. They slide down throughout the day, they’re loose after a couple of washes, and start falling apart far too soon. It’s a problem. But, it’s also preventable. Several solutions have been introduced to combat this slippery slope of sock mayhem: Longer socks – I kid you not, people are just now learning that over-the-calf socks are better (they

Tips for Buying Top Quality Cigars on a Budget
Much to my surprise, I grew up to become a man that likes a cigar or two on a fairly regular basis. I don’t know whether it’s the celebratory attachment I have with them (new marriage, new baby, new adventure, job well done, etc.), or the camaraderie I get when I relax with my friends and enjoy a few good cigars on Thursday nights. The point is, I don’t know enough about cigars to give any credible advice. But I trust the people in my