
Podcast: The Dos & Don’ts of Successful Online Dating
Episode 3: The Dos & Don’ts of Successful Online Dating This has to be my favorite show so far. Aimee Bentson is a good friend of mine, and she’s absolutely perfect for this topic because she’s a gorgeous young single woman in Dallas, and has to put up with men and their online dating shenanigans. She’s a snarky and wildly intelligent leader in the startup community and has just launched her own clothing line at Avyn Apparel. Aimee brings to the table an absolute crap-ton

Podcast: Your Best Holiday Party Etiquette
Episode 1: Make an Impression with Holiday Party Etiquette It’s that time of year again, where companies cut loose and hold holiday parties to reward their employees for jobs well done, and to celebrate the season. Many men find themselves making mistakes and leaving a poor taste in their wake. This is an opportunity to step up your game, gentlemen, and I have 5 easy ways you can take it to the next level this holiday season. Take your style and confidence to a new

The Sharp Gentleman Guide to Drinking Scotch Whisky
In the history of manliness, no other drink has ever commanded such presence, machismo, character, or class. Single-malt whisky from Scotland (the very definition of Scotch) packs a punch that is delicious to some and displeasing to others, but is undeniably known as the manliest of all liquors. I was recently invited to the Guardians of the Glenlivet presentation when they came through Dallas. I was already a Guardian, but who am I to turn down free whisky and conversation? As a man that enjoys his

How To: The Best Drink to Bring to a Party
There is often a misconception when it comes to bringing alcohol to different social gatherings. What’s the best drink to bring to a party? Should bring anything at all? Beer or wine? Both? Food as well? It’s all a lot to keep balanced! As discussed in a previous post, you definitely want to bring a gift to the host of whatever social gathering you’re attending. This gift is most often an alcoholic item, but depending on the event, it can also extend to food dishes

Flex Watches: Making Time to Change the World
There are companies and organizations all over the world that have the best intentions, but lack the marketing chops to make a real dent in the earth. Then there are those with killer ideas and the right combination of creativity and fearlessness. Those select few build mountains with molehills and generate enough traction to leave us all applauding in their wake. Flex Watches is one such company. Flex gives you a trendy watch (which you’ll love) while also giving charities a chance to make a real

[Video] Creating Startup Success & Chasing Greatness
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Jason Croft of StartUpDallas and the amazing team at Magic Production Group to talk about what makes a gentleman different, and the beautiful fact that gentlemen are on the way back into style. Jason, and StartUpDallas, is working to help spread information and insight about attitude and initiative for success in the StartUp community. The message is for startups and individuals looking to get their confidence and clarity boosted so they can keep pursuing their big

The Honest Truth About What You Drive
Before we go any further, this is not an article about one car brand being better than another. It’s also not a grudge match between new and old. It’s far less trivial, less ego-driven, and deeper. Regardless of what you currently drive, there’s one truth that speaks volumes about you, regarding that car, that you need to know. It’s what you car says about you… Yesterday, I decided that it was a good day to clean my car. I keep mine relatively clean all the

How to Attend a Party Like a Gentleman
The days are long, the sun is bright, and the mercury is steadily rising. This can mean only one thing: Summer is here. With that, barbecues, parties, and social gatherings are right on her heels. Arguably the greatest season on Earth, Summer brings out the best opportunities to let loose, relax, and explore. Don’t be fooled, however. Summer has led gentlemen astray with her siren song for eons. She whispers, “go ahead and have another Long Island, you’re only getting funnier” in the ears of all

5 Steps to Pairing Wine Like a Boss
There’s something hypnotic about wine. The allure of its flavor tapestry and story are all the more enchanting when it happens to be paired with the right food. The right wine can cause your tastebuds to come alive with each sip, so the flavor of your meal becomes historic. And there’s nothing like having the knowledge on tap to pour a glass that will do the trick. Men all over the world want to have that finesse. You know what finesse I’m talking about – out

[infographic] The Death of Manners
I came across this amazing infographic regarding the death of manners, and how modern man is contributing to the slow, painful death of them. As an added bonus, the infographic includes zombies! Zombies, obviously, are the most mannerless creatures around, which made them perfect for giving you something to chew on… Courtesy of: I’m sure you know someone that could use this graphic, so please share! You never know, it might be the best thing to happen to the people around him/her.