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How to Find Balance as an Entrepreneur and Family Man
Did you know one of the most often searched terms is “how to find balance as an entrepreneur and family man” on Google? Why is that? Well, it’s probably because having a work life balance as an entrepreneur is hard as hell. While many people may look at successful entrepreneurs and feel they “have it together” based on their viewpoint, sometimes that’s the furthest thing from the truth. As an entrepreneur, priorities and schedules, and investments and expenses are different than others’ that work in

The State of Today’s Man with Rob Kandell
There are so many messages of manliness out there in the world these days, all vying for more and more of your attention, but which ones are true? Which messages are good for you, and which are good for everyone? There’s a big difference there. Some influencers will have men believe that the world is getting softer and that men need to focus more on being manly, growing beards, and getting tough. Some are focused on being the best version of yourself so you can

The Sharp Gentleman’s Filippo Loreti Review
An honest Filippo Loreti Review. UPDATE: All is NOT what it seems. Click here or scroll to the bottom for the TRUTH. From time to time, a brand or design will catch my eye and give me all the warm and fuzzy feelings I’m looking for. Maybe it’s a new model, maybe it’s a color, or maybe a new design altogether. Something I’m used to experiencing is the immediate desire to have it. I’m also used to items being either ridiculously expensive – why can’t