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What to Do When Your Hustle Isn’t Working
“Rise and Grind” is something we’re all used to hearing, seeing, and believing these days. In order to get what you want in life -in order to get ahead- you have to get up early and grind yourself, your gears, and your ambition against the motion of the day. Well, technically it’s the idea that you should attack the day as soon as you wake up, and stay focused as you get into the groove of the daily grind of work and responsibilities. Essentially, you

Gentlemen: Beg for Forgiveness or Ask for Permission?
Forgiveness or Permission? I recently had a conversation with a client of mine regarding what he truly wants. He had so many things to say about what he wanted. And, he had even more to say about why it’s too hard or impossible to make happen. There are all these “reasons” for how it just can’t be done, or it’s too scary, or what will happen if it doesn’t work out – and every last one of them is made up. In too many cases, we are

Gentlemen’s Guide to Improving Your Credit Score
No Excuses. Clean it up. Gentlemen, having a crap credit score is not only an ungentlemanly thing to have, but it’s also completely fixable. There are resources, tricks, and actions you can take to completely change your score, so today, we’re going over the definitive guide to improving your credit score, and keeping it that way. The first thing to understand about credit health and your score, is that it isn’t something that mysteriously appeared at no fault of your own doing. It takes a