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How to Win Valentine's Day

Gentlemen, Valentine’s Day is upon us. Interestingly, this Hallmark Holiday is quite polarizing too. People either love it or hate it. There’s very little grey area. The reasons are pretty equal on each side of the argument: My wife and I are a good example of opposites attracting. I’m a hopeless romantic and she’s much more practical. I’ll plan grand gestures of romance, cloaked in secrecy for surprise, and deliver a symphony of Kodak moments we’ll cherish forever. It’s all orchestrated for my own satisfaction.

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How to honor your family

One of the hardest transitions in life happens after you become an adult. It isn’t a new job or new apartment of your own. It’s bigger than that. It’s moving from being someone’s son to someone’s husband, and for many men, becoming a father. You suddenly take on a new role and leave the old, kid-version of you behind. When you grow up and venture off to carve your own path, you leave behind those that spent your entire life to that point, carving a

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Become a man of your word | The Sharp Gentleman

One of the things that we all strive to be is dependable as men. We want to be strong providers and trusted unconditionally. We want to be honorable men, even if many of us aren’t exactly sure what that means. We like, and often romanticize the Gentleman’s Agreement. When we are told something is going to happen, we want to believe it. We like the idea that “he’s a man of his word,” and “he’s a good man, he’ll come through.” You want to be

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Keep Exploring


The age old cliché about women having shoe fetishes is not without its own truth, but it’s not relegated to only women. Men have some serious options when it comes to footwear, and even more surprising (for many men) is how exacting the design and detail is between each. For many men, the entire selection process is all too confusing with the litany of different styles and “proper” names. For example, what is a brogue? What’s an Oxford? Is it different from a Derby? How

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bring the right drink to the party

There is often a misconception when it comes to bringing alcohol to different social gatherings. What’s the best drink to bring to a party? Should bring anything at all? Beer or wine? Both? Food as well? It’s all a lot to keep balanced! As discussed in a previous post, you definitely want to bring a gift to the host of whatever social gathering you’re attending. This gift is most often an alcoholic item, but depending on the event, it can also extend to food dishes

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Business Casual Style

Business Casual Style – is that an oxymoron? In a past life, I was a cubic-jockey in the business casual hell of Corporate America. Since escaping, I’ve been helping gentlemen discover their own style inside a system that promotes a level of dress just above blatant laziness – especially in men. Provided you don’t wear jeans and your shirt has a collar, you can pretty much get away with anything, right? No. That’s not right at all. You want to make an effort to look

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What is Manscaping Guide

More often than not, the very word manscaping evokes images of men with such perfectly groomed hair on their heads, and absolutely no body hair anywhere else. Other instances paint the picture of a guy trying to shave his twig and berries in the shower with a Lady Bic. Ultimately, the word gets a bad wrap, and I’m here to give you a heaping scoop of man-truth about manscaping and why you should be doing it. What is Manscaping? By definition, manscaping is personal grooming to the effect of

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How to propose like a gentleman - best marriage proposal

How to Propose Like a Gent. There comes a moment in most relationships where you feel this overwhelming rush of “knowing” course through you. You look at her one day and think, “I’m going to make you my wife.” This thought often comes as a surprise, but is immediately followed by a thought similar to “and it’s gonna be awesome.” If you’re having the, “we’ve been together for so long, I guess I should marry her” thought, I have some tough news. You should do the

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How men should wear shorts

Summer is here, and she’s roasting much of the country. In these hot and sweaty times, shorts are certainly an appropriate garment choice for men. Unfortunately, there are still a few men that ruin it for everyone with their poor definition of style and keep the stigma of shorts being “too casual for gentlemen” alive. These are nearly always the same men that ruined sandals by wearing bright white ankle socks with them. Damn it, Jerry. Jean shorts, socks and sandals, and my God man –

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Powerful Personal Brand

Today’s post actually comes from Primer Magazine’s site. It speaks so clearly about the power of a personal brand, that I just had to put it here.  Jeannette Paladino, Writer-in-Chief of Write Speak Sell offers up some pretty potent insight into what makes your personal brand work for you. In today’s new economy, people are forced to hone their skills and talents to be of greater value – at the very least, perceived value. This essentially makes everyone a salesperson. Whether you like it or

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Lunowear Wood Watches Review

In the watch game, there are many players of varying reputations and styles. Watchmakers are continually honing their crafts and innovating new ways to stay current. Even the classics are working on making their materials more durable, more environmentally friendly, and more affordable. When it comes to new companies, however, the only way to get a leg up is to put your foot down. When a new watchmaker steps on the scene, crisp with that fresh watchmaker smell, he or she must take a stand

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Flex Watches Making Time to Fight Hunger

There are companies and organizations all over the world that have the best intentions, but lack the marketing chops to make a real dent in the earth. Then there are those with killer ideas and the right combination of creativity and fearlessness. Those select few build mountains with molehills and generate enough traction to leave us all applauding in their wake. Flex Watches is one such company. Flex gives you a trendy watch (which you’ll love) while also giving charities a chance to make a real

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10 hard truths in life you need to hear

The world is an interesting place – one full of opportunities and adventures, yet also riddled with terrible decisions, fear, doubt, and distractions that keep us from becoming the best men we can be. Sometimes it takes a hard truth to snap us out of our funk and get us back on track. These hard truths can be difficult to digest, but necessary to keep you from wearing those jeans you cut into shorts. Seriously, throw those things away. The impetus for a hard truth

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