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How to Protect Your Future While Living in the Moment
There is a constant struggle between trying to prepare for the future and trying to live in the moment like an adult. On the one hand, you never know where life is going to take you, so you want to live in the moment and be as present as possible, but there is no way to tell when your time here is done. It sounds harsh, but it’s woefully true. That’s why finding a balance of living in the now while taking steps to prepare

Your Comfort Zone is Making You Fat
Disclaimer: this episode contains opinions that are mine and may be offensive to others. While I do not care if a topic or opinion offends you (see here), I want to extend the courtesy of letting you know this may trigger you if you’re afraid of hearing strong ideas about fitness, motivation, and complacency – and that your comfort zone is making you fat. Before I got married, I made a commitment to fitness. It was actually a perfect time to do it. I started

The Truth About Happiness & Simple Math to Make it Happen
I know I’ve touched on the role and importance of happiness before, but this time I’m kicking it up a notch with science to explore the truth about happiness. Not to be confused with its apathetic cousin, contentment, happiness is about finding joy in the everyday, and letting it permeate into the tasks, trials, and takeaways of your everyday life. On this episode, I’m joined by Jim McCarthy. He’s a TEDx speaker and # 1 bestselling author of Live Each Day: A Surprisingly Simple Guide to Happiness. He teaches people